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Flyer Distribution Glasgow
sales@flyerdistributionglasgow.co.uk    0800 433 2217

Ad-bikes Glasgow / Promotional Bikes


Ad-bikes Glasgow (Promobikes, Ad-trikes) are innovative & eye-catching form of outdoor advertisign where your marketing message is driven directly to your target audience.

ad-bikes glasgow, glasgow promotional bikes
Promobikes (Ad-bikes Glasgow)
F|D|G offers great ad-bikes in Glasgow area. Our promotional bikes offer innovative, flexible and economical medium to advertise your business and services.Our mobile Adbikes are unique with their style, music and eco-friendly way of promoting our customer brands. Each of our Ad-trikes has two integrated A0 size banners, with fitted audio system, capable of playing our customer music and radio ads. Also, each Ad-bike has a storage for at least 2,000 promotional flyers and a small banner for our ad-walkers. By adding the power of pedal Ads into your next promotional campaign, you will be enhancing the influence of your message and attracting a wider range of customers and potential buyers.

Here’s what you receive with our Ad-bikes:
A mobile advert capable of being located in any point & suitable location
2 x Vinyl graphic adverts
Cycling around your desired area/street
1 Bike rider handing out your promotional materials
Eco-friendly advertising with 0 emissions
Time flexibility for best results (Even night shifts!)
Nationwide availability & exposure.

Ad bikes Glasgow
Each ad bikes comes with 2 x A0 posters, one dedicated bike rider, chosen music or radio ad to be played and promotional time-frame most suitable for the customer.
Our ad-trikes are available for 8 hours per day from as little as £175 per day*
To get in touch, just email us on sales@flyerdistributionglasgow.co.uk

Promotion for our Clients
Printing.com have selected us fornumeriousdistributiononbehalf of their customers. We have always returned a great result for them.
We have promoted BrightHouse in Scotland with couple of hand to hand and street promotions.
Dominos pizza customer have selected us to be their preferred door to door distribution supplier in Scotland